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At this point you will find a number of links and information that may be helpful in your studies.


Organizational matters of the University of Cologne

The Institute of Archaeology belongs to the Faculty of Philosophy and uses the platforms KLIPS and ILIAS for the organization of teaching.

Cooperating institutions at the University of Cologne

The Archaeological Institute cooperates with different institutions:

Important non-university institutions

Outside the universities, museums and research institutions work on archaeological issues, such as the RGM and the DAI. Members of the dArV are kept up to date on current vacancies and developments in archaeology.

Online catalogs

Fundamental to successful scientific work is a comprehensive literature search. For this you need access to the catalogs of libraries, which can be searched by keywords, authors, titles and the like.
Below you will find a selection of library catalogs and online available journals:


Increasingly, archaeological institutions are making content available online. These databases are suitable for image, inscription and information research:


Reviews provide an assessment and overview of the reviewed works and thus allow to refine the literature research. They do not replace the own reading!

  • - Review platform for European historical scholarship
  • sehepunkte - Review Journal for the Historical Sciences, only in German
  • BMCR - Bryn Mawr Classical Review

Learning Resources

The following are websites that provide introductory knowledge on Classical Archaeology, Roman Provinces Archaeology, and Archaeoinformatics.

Bibliography software

In the course of studies and later in scientific work, countless essays, reports and books have to be processed. In order not to lose an overview of what has already been read, but also to organize unedited references, bibliography programs are useful. With these you can link the citations (via which you can clearly find the literature again) with notes, references and tags, so that a database is created, in which you can search for keywords, authors and the like. This facilitates the later retrieval of the information immensely. Two bibliography programs enjoy particular popularity:

  • Citavi – Proprietary software, free of charge for students of the UzK
  • Zotero – free alternative